Thursday, September 27, 2007

Oh say can you see....

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls. Please welcome one the newest U.S. Citizens, Julie Smith!!!! Tuesday September 25, 2007 it became official. Julie took the oath to defend her country and her home. It was pretty interesting, I went to an oath ceremony and a testimony meeting broke out. There was a total of 202 new citizens, including 11 from Canada. Last step now is to get the Passports and we can come an go as we please.

On a seperate note, if nobody else is going to write on this blog.. we may need to consider changing the name to the Jordan and Jenny Blog Spot. (j/k) Come on everyone let's share in each other's lives, this one of the best ways to keep in touch.

Until next time if anyone has seen Supergirl and Flash. Tell Azure and Mekhi, that the costumes are for Halloween.


Jen said...

Congratulations Julie! How does it feel to be totally legal? All it took was thousands of dollars, years of waiting, and filing through endless hard to understand paper work. I tell ya, if the USA wants illegal immigrations to decrease, they might want to make the LEGAL process a little less cumbersome, but what do I know? I'm just a plain old resident alien. (I hope you all can tell that I'm always kidding whenever I comment on this thing)

David Smith said...

We can't tell Jenny...:)